On the road
It never gets boring here
Every day, our fleet is on the roads of Europe, working hand in hand with our dispatching department to ensure a safe, clean and on-time transport. It is an important and indispensable part of our company and is equipped by us with the most modern equipment. Not only the safety of our fleet, but also a high level of driver comfort is our top priority when selecting our equipment.

With our driver support department, our drivers always have a direct contact person. Our motivated and responsible employees are also regularly trained and specially qualified for the conditions in their daily work and in the handling of the transported products. Through continuous driver training, we support our drivers in their daily work in order to meet our high quality and safety standards. In addition, there are recurring meetings for the exchange of information between the drivers, the management, the dispatchers and the driver support department.
If you would like to join our fleet, you should have a class C/CE driver´s license with registration 95 / FQN and an ADR license and ideally tank experience.